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How To Promote Your Music on Apple Music in 2024

music promotion strategies music streaming: tips and tricks Nov 14, 2023

Apple Music Promotion: Everything You Need To Know 


Hey there, fellow artist! So, you've poured your heart and soul into your music, and now you want the world to hear it, right? Well, you're in the right place because we’ve got some fresh, insider tips on how to make a splash on Apple Music this year. Let's have a chat about some creative and personal ways to get your tunes out there.


Your Apple Music for Artists Profile: Your Personal Stage


First things first, let's talk about your Apple Music for Artists profile. Think of it as your personal stage on this massive digital music platform. Fill it up with not just your music but also your story. Add a quirky and personal bio, some cool photos, and perhaps even some behind-the-scenes moments that make you relatable. 

Pro Tip: Keep updating your artist profile! Apple Music loves artists who stay active and engaged.


Apple Music Branded Assets for Promotion


Apple Music has some nifty tools up its sleeve, and you'd be wise to use them. Promote your content using their custom social post assets which allows you to customise a template to match your aesthetic and share on your social media to announce your releases to your audience. Use Apple Music badges, logos and generated QR Codes of your releases, to promote your music on this particular platform, even better. 

Lights, Camera, Action.


Let's talk visuals. In a world where everyone's scrolling endlessly with super short attention spans, you need eye-catching visuals to stop the scroll. Music videos, lyric videos, and even quirky promotional visuals can do the trick. They not only enhance the listening experience but also get shared like crazy. Similar to Spotify Canvas, these videos can be used to enhance your audience’s music listening experience on the Apple Music platform. You could also upload your track’s lyrics onto Apple Music to go with those visuals. 

Pro Tip: Have you ever explored Apple Music's Behind the Lyrics feature? It's a goldmine for connecting with fans on a deeper level.


Playlist Play: Pitching to Official Apple Music Curators


Getting on Apple Music playlists can skyrocket your streams. It's like getting a VIP pass to thousands of ears. How? Network and scout for official Apple Music Curators, submit your tracks to these curators and cross your fingers! Stats show that playlisted tracks get a whopping 50% more streams.

We at GreaseRelease too, accept submissions to our handful of playlists, from artists around the globe. 


Pro Tip: Personalize your pitches, match the playlist vibe, and watch the magic happen.


Twitter Audio Card: Harnessing Social Media Sound


Apple Music’s Twitter Audio Card feature is a hidden gem. Share 30-second snippets of your tracks directly on Twitter, creating instant teasers that entice listeners. It's a powerful tool to spark curiosity and drive traffic to your Apple Music page. 


Pro Tip: Pair your audio snippets with visually striking images or animations to make your tweets stand out in the feed.


Embedded Player: Taking Your Music Everywhere


Embedded Player is one of the music marketing tools provided by Apple Music, that allows you to showcase your tracks on your website, blog, or even email signatures. It's a convenient way for your audience to listen to your music without leaving the platform they're on. 

Pro Tip: Customise the player's appearance to match your branding, creating a seamless and immersive listening experience for your website visitors.


Apple Music for Artists: Your Data Hub


The process of putting out music doesn't end with recording and releasing tracks; it's also about understanding your audience deeply and strategizing your music promotion plan. Apple Music for Artists serves as your personal command center, providing real-time data about your streams, listener demographics, and geographic reach. Delve into the analytics, uncover trends, and gain insights that empower your music promotion strategies. 


Pro Tip: Utilise this information to craft personalized fan experiences, ensuring your music reaches far and wide. It's like having a complete insight into your fans' preferences and interests, allowing you to curate content that truly speaks to them.


So, there you have it! Some personal, tried-and-true advice and a couple of bonus strategies to get your music noticed on Apple Music. Keep engaging and pushing your music out there, and most importantly, keep making music of great standard! Your audience is out there, waiting to sway to your tunes.


Hope this blogpost helps you along your journey but before you leave, check out our submission platform. We at GreaseRelease, have a bunch of curators on our network who are looking for new & exciting music to push on their massive playlists. If you make music and want to reach a wider audience, check out our submission platform and get a chance to reach millions of listeners! Submit your tracks now! 



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