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This image talks about music marketing on TikTok and how to go viral on TikTok with your music.

How To Market Your Music On TikTok

social media marketing Jan 11, 2023

Marketing Music On Tiktok!


TikTok. Yes, you need to consider the platform as an essential medium on which you should consciously strategize your marketing and promotions because it is where anything can go viral. Massive record labels are currently taking a look at TikTok statistics to check the capability of another emerging musician or a much-anticipated release. 


Due to artists like Lil Nas X, Lizzy McAlpine, Joji, Lawrence, and Billianne, music advancement on TikTok has additionally led to gigantic lifts on different other platforms like Spotify and YouTube, as well as outcomes in conventional media. 


If all of this is overwhelming you, we’d suggest you read our article on the basics, called 7 Things Every Aspiring Musician Should Know. 



Are you one of those people who assumed TikTok is filled with dub smashes and dance challenges? If yes, it's not surprising. However, don’t let such assumptions hinder from you trying this platform for your music marketing. TikTok is also a place filled with educational content, wholesome videos and so on that could in a sense, use your music in the background which could go viral. This user-generated content works more legally on YouTube. For more read our article on YouTube Monetization 101: Income Generation.

Chances are that loads of individuals are going to TikTok for search purposes. It’s a stage for ANY sort of video content, as long as the recordings are useful, engaging, or in any case, catch the consideration of some cut of the crowd. Furthermore, because of TikTok’s strong calculation, it’s a stage where niche content in terms of music could also convert potential listeners to a strong fanbase. 


P.S. There are more than 500 million active users of TikTok. Convinced yet?


So here are a few methods we’ve tracked down for you to promote your music on TikTok.


Publish your music on TikTok


Your tunes will be accessible in TikTok's music library, where any user can utilize it in one of their short clips. At the point when one of your tracks gets utilized, you earn revenue. Simple? TikTok makes it exceptionally simple for users to generate content. It tends to take just 10 to 15 minutes to go from a concept to a finished video with filter media, impacts, and a music score.



TikTok has created a feed to welcome all of its users’ videos in terms of their content presentation. On TikTok, you simply need to do one thing: swap from one video to the next. That's all there is to it to make a video go viral. And if that video uses your track, your track is also viral. 



Get ahold of its algorithm


If you want your song to go viral on TikTok, it must be TikTok-friendly. So what exactly does that signify? The ideal length for TikTok's music content is 15 seconds. It should also be broad, tuneful, and relevant enough for TikTok users to make their own videos based on it. These videos are called user-generated content. Consider hummable lyrics or melodies that give individuals a brief dance sequence. The more groovy your song is, the better its chances of going viral. 


TikTok's recommendation engine’s primary objective is to start making content seem so intriguing irrespective of the artist's early viewers. The said method permits TikTok to take a video posted by a user with such a small following and circulate it to multitudes, if not thousands and thousands, of users. As a result, each TikTok user is given the same chance of having their clip streamed to thousands of people. Since the platform has such a huge number of users and at least half of them are posting content, all of that results in massive storage of content that the algorithm can organize, assess, and promote. This equilibrium is what gives rise to viral dance moves and challenges, which are crucial parts of TikTok.



The biggest advantage of TikTok is that many other famous and well-established artists also use the platform. And if they upload content that has used your music, you are literally already viral. More often than not, these artists already have a lot of followers, so when they upload a clip using your track, thousands of those followers will also look up your track and feel more influenced to use it while creating their own content. 


Charlie Puth made his brand new album CHARLIE on TikTok. He made videos of how he put together the sounds for his tracks and even asked users to comment on creative verses for the track that he could use. This pre-release buzz made the album to be much waited and successful once it was released. You could do something like this as well! 



Increase your profile views


To begin, you must establish and maintain an artist TikTok profile, just as you would on Instagram or Facebook, to boost the general accessibility of your songs. But, before you contribute to the platform as an artist, you have to know what type of TikTok content you can develop to enhance your cumulative artistic world. The ultimate objective of setting up an artist profile on TikTok is to persuade individuals to listen to your songs. Read our article on The Indie Musician’s Guide to Writing an Effective Artist Bio.



So your TikTok artist profile must revolve solely around that, which implies you also must find a way to integrate your tunes into the clips you make all while ensuring that they consistently reflect the ethos of the system. Other platforms are best adapted for the kind of content that includes reposting clips of your impending tracks or backstage recordings with the production company, like Instagram. While making your own TikTok video content, keep in mind how well the algorithms perform. Read our article on Music Marketing Using Social Media In 2023. 

Hashtag everything 


Hashtags are probably the most crucial way to associate a video with a specific kind of content. If you use trending keywords, your clip will be more likely to show up in TikTok's ‘Discover’ and ‘For you’ tabs. If you are an emerging musician, we believe it is best if you hashtag most of the keywords that go with the kind of music you are putting out and your desire to go viral. If a user has made a new hashtag using your track in a clip, then repost it and use that hashtag as well. The more popular, creative, and viral the hashtags get, the better reach your tracks will get on TikTok. If you use Twitter and hashtags there, this is a little similar to that. Read our article on 5 Ways To Promote Your Music On Twitter.


TikTok Pro Analytics


TikTok recently introduced an analytics dashboard that is free for all content producers on the platform. You can track your fan base, viewership, and page views, and also get data on what kind of content works best for you with TikTok Pro. To update to a TikTok Pro profile, go to the ‘Manage my account’ tab and select Switch to TikTok Pro. It's not like all multimedia distribution companies currently work with TikTok, so verify with your distribution company to see whether your selected track will be available to TikTok creators. 



When it gets to TikTok challenges, 15-second sections work best. It's not a requisite in and of itself, but brief material is what helps make the platform function. So listen to your song and look for 15-second ‘TikTok moments,’ or sections of the track that you believe have the greatest viral prospects. 


TikTok looks easy and is actually easy. Once you get ahold of all the main pointers, it becomes rather fun to promote your music on TikTok and make your track go viral. 


If you have new tracks released, get them playlisted now! Check out our submission platform and get a chance to reach more than 2 million listeners!

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